Downloadable eBooks and Printables

Where We All Come to Pretend We Plan Meals and Are Highly Organized

  • Weekly Meal Planner-Grocery List

    I just don’t want to look back and think ‘I could’ve eaten that.’

    Of all household to-dos, grocery shopping is my least favorite. I love planning meals, but then I remember I have to get the groceries, and I lose steam. This printable is designed to make meal plans for the week, whether it’s one meal or seven (all my love to anyone who is doing seven), and create the groceries needed, as you go. I can’t guarantee it will make grocery shopping fun, but it will help make it easier.

  • Weekly Meal Planner

    “I’ve never been so hungry in my entire life.” Me every 2 hours

    Sometimes I just want to write down my meal ideas in a way that is low pressure to the grocery shopping process. Because once grocery shopping is involved, I tend to do the Homer Simpson, fading into the bushes, move. This printable is the simplified version of the Weekly Meal Planner with Grocery List, that simply allows for jotting down your meal ideas, and brings me back out of the bushes.

  • The Daily

    Another day has passed and I didn’t once use algebra.

    Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good to-do list. All written down, ability to check things off…these are the simple things that really make me happy. There are many different kinds of list makers out there, and some can be overwhelming with the varying categories, different kinds of lists within, etc. I have made this daily easy on the eye, with the main goal to map out things you want to consider getting done for the day. And if you don’t, no worries. Low pressure, as I like it.

  • THIS is My Week...Maybe

    I’d speak up more in meetings if it didn’t make them last longer.

    I have made a daily to-do list many a day in my life, and I do not like when things don’t get checked off. I’m just being honest. So, when the list feels more achievable within a 7 day timeframe instead of 1 day, this is the go-to! Designed with a daily component as well, which can be used either for noting happenings each day, or, if you have a problem like I do, for tracking each day what you got done from the weekly list. Yes. I know. Like I said. It’s a problem. A semi-serious one.

  • Fridge Weekly Tracker

    I am instantly 70% nicer after 3:00 p.m. on Fridays

    Some weeks, I am queen of the schedule. Me here, you there, pick up now, game at 6:00...and then some weeks, it's 4:00 and I am trying insanely hard to remember if I already showered or not. My point is, sometimes, we are on and sometimes, well, we could use a personal assistant to make sure we've brushed our teeth. Or, I will say, at least I do. Enter what I call the Fridge Tracker! Made to hang on your fridge, a house board, or cupboard, to jot down the week. A quick look and visual for everyone. And let's be real, some weeks it will work great! And others, you may not remember how to hold a pen (see personal assistant above).