Crockpot Brownies

Video below on how to make this sugary crock of goodness

We entered day 53 of quarantine at the Load of Crock home, when I decided to make these brownies. A side effect of quarantine that has hit me hard and I did not see coming, is a new found love (and slight obsession) with sugar. I mean, it's bad. I find myself quarantining in my pantry, searching for sugary and sweet objects. I need help. So, I decided the best help was to embrace my new found obsession, and make some extra chocolatey brownies, in the crockpot! 


  • 1 box of chocolate brownie mix

  • 1 box of chocolate pudding mix

  • 1-2 cups of chocolate chips

  • 1 cup of whole milk

  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) of softened butter

  • 1/4 cup of sour cream

  • 3 eggs

  • 1 tsp of vanilla

  • 1/4 cup of vegetable oil (if you like your brownies a bit more gooey)

Putting it Together:

In a bowl combine and mix all ingredients,  until everything is nicely mixed together. It will be lumpy with the chocolate chips and butter, and that is ok. 

 Grab your crockpot, spray the bottom and sides, and then add in your chocolate mixture. Place the crockpot on low for 7 hours. If you like your brownies less gooey and bit more cake-like, you can do on low for closer to 8 hours. Following this, turn your crockpot off and let the mixture sit for up to an hour.


You can serve these lovely, chocolatey, pieces of goodness after you let them sit for a bit. Or after you let them sit, you can cover the crock, like you would a pan of brownies from the oven, and then serve whenever you are ready to eat. These, without a doubt, pair the best with vanilla ice cream. It is just a suggestion, for the ultimate brownie experience and satisfaction. And if you have done brownies and ice cream in the past, you know how incredibly accurate this suggestion is. 

 Load of Crock Tip(s):

  • If you prefer a less gooey brownie, and one that is more cake-like, skip the vegetable oil, this will assist with them not being as gooey.

  • If you are feeling up to it, grab a box of the Ghirardelli brownie mix, as it comes with a packet of chocolate syrup/sauce, and this can be drizzled over your brownie (and ice cream) when serving and eating.

  • When you pour the brownie mix into your crock, if you get extra on the sides of crock, be sure to wipe them up before you start the crockpot up, otherwise this can stick and burn onto the sides, which is no fun to clean. I speak from experience. 

 So, if you have found yourself quarantining in YOUR pantry, looking for that sugary and sweet loveliness to take care of your sweet tooth, you can come on out now, and join me in embracing the quarantine sugar obsession, by putting together what I am calling "day 53 of quarantine, how I am embracing my sugar addiction" brownies. 


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