Crockpot Lasagna

Video below on how to make this very not scary lasagna recipe

Lasagna in the crockpot!? Mind blowing. Well, maybe not to everyone, but it was to me! I have always been afraid of lasagna because of all the layers, but when I realized that the layers are your own personal preference AND that it can be done in the crockpot, that was it. I was all in on the lasagna! So I faced my fears, and threw this thing in the crockpot, and it turned out lovely. And another great part, only 5 ingredients. So truly, nothing to be afraid of, not even the trip to the grocery store.


  • 1-1.5 lbs. of beef, turkey, chicken, or an array of veggies

  • 24 oz of red/spaghetti sauce (one bottle of sauce is usually the right size)

  • Lasagna noodles

  • 24 oz of cottage or ricotta cheese

  • 2 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese

Putting it Together:

Fry up beef, chicken, turkey, or veggies in a pan. Add this to the 24 oz of red sauce and mix together. Spray crockpot, sides and bottoms and then layer ingredients in the crockpot in the following order, but remember, it's a personal preference, so feel free to layer as works best for you and the consistency you prefer. I simply recommend following step 1 and 10 and 11:

  1. Red sauce mix (enough to cover the bottom of the crockpot)

  2. Lasagna noodles

  3. 1/2 of the cottage or ricotta cheese

  4. Red sauce mix

  5. 1 cup of the mozzarella cheese

  6. Red sauce mix

  7. Lasagna noodles

  8. The last half of the cottage/ricotta cheese

  9. Lasagna noodles

  10. Remaining red sauce mix

  11. The last cup of the mozzarella cheese

Cook on low for 4 hours, and then let sit once done, for another 20-30 minutes, before serving.


After you let sit, cut and serve warm. And I recommend with some bread (why not more carbs??) and a side salad.

Load of Crock Tip(s):

  • If at all possible, try to keep the lasagna noodles from touching the side of the crockpot. Even though sprayed, they tend to stick and cook to the sides. Not the end of the world of they are touching, simply a suggestion.

  • Letting the lasagna sit, on off, for 20-30 minutes after it’s done is key; this allows for a lot of the juices to soak up into the lasagna noodles.

  • Don’t be afraid, lasagna is an art, so have it it as you see fit!

I'm so scared…that I didn't try this sooner! I wish I had known how not-scary lasagna was years ago and that it can be done in the crockpot. So I am sharing my wisdom, or lack thereof for so many years, with you. I'm not afraid anymore, and you shouldn't be either! Garfield knew what he was talking about. I love lasagna! 


Apple Crisp in the Crockpot


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