Sloppy Joes

Video below on how to make this easy and sloppy dish

Spring is here! And when Spring comes every year, I find myself falling in line with the cliché approach of "Spring cleaning" which includes not only cleaning out of closets and organizing of cupboards, but for me personally, pulling myself together after a nice, long, cozy winter. But, before we get ourselves too put together, before all of the Spring cleaning commences, I wanted to share this 5-ingredient, very simple and very not put together recipe. So not put together that some may even call it sloppy.


  • 1-1.5 lbs. of ground hamburger

  • 6 oz of tomato sauce

  • 2 tbsp of Worcestershire sauce

  • 3/4 cups of brown sugar

  • 2 tbsp of yellow mustard

 Putting it Together:

Fry up the hamburger and pour into crockpot. Following this, add the additional 4 ingredients. Mix all together, and then place on low for 2 hours. Once the 2 hours is done, move to warm for up to another hour, this will thicken up the mixture during this time.


I highly recommend serving the Joe on a bun, and really love the King's Hawaiian hamburger buns. I also enjoy my sloppy Joe with green beans and some salty chips. Just an idea to consider.

 Load of Crock Tip(s): 

  • If you prefer your sloppy Joes a little less sloppy, or thicker, from the beginning, substitute ketchup for the 6 oz o tomato sauce

  • If you aren't overly fond of beef, you can substitute the hamburger with ground turkey 

So before you get too deep into your Spring cleaning, and start tidying up, throw these not so tidy sloppy Joes together. Happy Spring, friends! 


Ravioli in the Crockpot


Reuben Dip