Cake Mix Cookies

Here’s something. I have a real problem with always buying boxes of cake mix when they are on sale. Chocolate. Yellow. White. All of them. And here’s something else. I then end up with 10 boxes of cake mix. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. The funniest part is, I maybe make 3 cakes a year. I think it’s my Grandma Arlene in me, just super pumped about a good deal.

So, I have had to find ways to use these cake mixes I find myself impulse buying when on sale. And one of the best ways I have found and done, is this 3-ingredient cake mix cookie recipe! I have been doing this for so long, I am unsure where I first saw this, but this has been a go-to since my early 30s. Don’t feel like you need to do the math here.


  • 1 box of white cake mix

  • 2 eggs

  • 1/2 C of vegetable oil

Putting it Together:

Mix the three ingredients together to create the cookie batter. If it seems a little too smooth, throw it in the fridge for 30 minutes to slightly harden it up. Preheat your oven to 350, spoon out batter onto cookie sheet, and bake for 8-10 minutes. I also like to add some mini M&Ms or chocolate chips, whatever may float your cookie boat! 


This makes 24 cookies and they are so soft and good, I generally eat at least half myself…in the first 12 hours. One an hour, that sounds about right, correct?

So, the next time you see cake mix on sale, while you maybe don’t need to go Grandma Arlene on it and get 10, you should definitely consider at least one for making these cookies. Or maybe 10, and then you can find out how many great recipes are out there for cake mix! It’s just an idea. More than anything, enjoy!


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