Crockpot Chicken Caesar Wraps

Video below on how to ease into Fall from Summer with these chicken caesar wraps.

If you know me,  you know that I hold on to Summer as long as I can. I do love Fall, but I like to ease into it. Whether that be with only putting up a few of my Fall decorations, or only committing to 3/4 length sleeve shirts vs. long sleeve shirts, I ease. And this is no exception for food! We got into Caesar salads a lot this Summer, and I really wanted to hold onto these, but make them Fall-ish, so that's how I landed on these chicken Caesar wraps.


  • 3-4 chicken breasts

  • 1/4 C chicken broth

  • 3/4 to 1 cup of Caesar dressing

  • 1 cup of Shredded parmesan cheese

  • Salt & pepper 

 Putting it Together:

In your crockpot pour in the chicken broth and then add the chicken breasts on top. Using roughly 1/4 cup of the Caesar dressing, coat the breasts with a nice layer of the dressing. Place on low for 3-3.5 hours.

 Following this, shred the chicken up in the crockpot and then season with some salt and pepper (to your liking), add about 1/2 cup of Caesar dressing, and add 1/4 - 1/2 cup of shredded parmesan. Mix this all together, and then add another 1/4 - 1/2 of shredded parmesan to the top, and place the crockpot back on low for 15-20 minutes. 


This chicken Caesar mix can be served in a variety of ways, including in a wrap, on a bun, or as a traditional Caesar salad. I added some shredded lettuce and extra shredded parmesan to mine, and ate on a wrap. The warm chicken gave it that Fall feel, but lightness of it, combined with the wrap, really still felt a bit like summer. 

 Load of Crock Tip(s):

  • This chicken is also excellent cold/as a leftover, so is great for using later in a salad or for having a cold wrap or sandwich (a lot like a chicken salad). 

  • I cut up the chicken breasts before putting into the crockpot as this makes for easier shredding later on in the process. 


So, ease into Fall from Summer with me. Grab your 3/4 length sleeve shirts, maybe throw on a pair of your capris, consider putting out about 40% of your Fall decorations, and then throw these chicken Caesar wraps together.

An EASE-Y way to transition from Summer to Fall. 


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