Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

We had a birthday in our house this weekend, and obviously this is the perfect reason to make cupcakes filled with chocolate chip cookie dough. Iā€™m sorry? Cookie dough? Yes correct. Cookie dough. Super simple to make and (good? not so great? who really cares?) even easier to eat!


  •  1 box of white/vanilla cake mix

  • 1 bag of chocolate chip cookie dough mix

 Putting it Together:

Make the cake mix per the box instructions as well as the chocolate chip cookie dough. Fill two 12-hole muffin tins with baking cups. In each baking cup, fill about 1/4 of the way with the prepared cake mix batter. Then, roll up small dough balls of cookie dough and place one ball in each baking cup. Following this, pour additional prepared cake batter over each cookie dough ball, enough to cover the dough.

Bake at 350 for 18-20 minutes. Remove from the muffin pan and let cool on a cooling rack/counter. Decorate however your heart desires. I had my 4-year-old son assist me, which really upped the creativeness of our topping selections.


These can be frosted and served same day; we made the cupcakes the night before we served them, and then frosted and decorated them the next day, and they were still very moist and lovely.  

Load of Crock Tip(s):

If you are not going to frost and serve the same day, put in a sealable bag or container, to keep cupcakes from drying out. Any leftovers, do the same.

This is the perfect storm of cupcake meets cookie dough! An easy treat and dessert- making and eating.


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